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Together we are committed to a better life!

Game World Group includes companies active in the field of gambling organization under the brands Game World, Stanleybet,, Bonus, City Slot and Alfastreet Trade. The CSR strategy of the group is based on the principles of responsibility and sustainability of the activity and is developed in 3 main directions:

1.Responsibility towards customers, employees, shareholders and partners.

2.Supporting social causes not sufficiently funded in the current context.

3.Involvement in the life of the communities in which the companies within the Game World Group operate.

In the area of ​​responsibility towards customers, employees, shareholders and partners, Game World Group consistently supports the activities of the Responsible Gaming Association. In 2019, in addition to supporting the “Responsible Game” program, aimed at the prevention and treatment of gambling addiction, Game World is also the main financial supporter of the youth education campaign, “Antrenat de Majorat”, organized by the Responsible Gambling Association with the support Institute of Human Relations.

In addition, in this direction, Game World has launched its own and original program, “Game World Scholarships” which offers scholarships at all levels for psychology students who want to specialize in the field of addiction prevention and treatment.

In terms of supporting socially underfunded causes in the current context, companies within Game World Group offers financial support to associations, foundations and NGOs that are active in the treatment and care of those suffering from cancer and other incurable diseases. In this sense, the beneficiaries of the sponsorships are: Hospice Casa Sperantei, MagiCAMP, Little People, Daruieste Viata, Inima Copiilor, Fundația Comunitară Brașov, but also a number of individual cases that needed financial support for expensive medical operations and treatments.

In the direction of involvement in the life of the communities in which it operates, the companies that form Game World Group have provided support to local events and projects and to representative sports teams for the respective localities. These include Fundația Nadia Comaneci, Alba Blaj women’s volleyball team, HC Dobrogea Sud men’s handball team, Federația Română de lupte, Club Golf Paul Tomita and Urban Legends.

Join the Game World CSR Facebook page for the latest information, photos and videos about CSR actions!